Essays & Articles


February 02, 2023

Borrowed Intellect

The need for reconstructing Islamic intellectual thought based on genuine Quranic teaching is becoming ever more critical....

Muhammad bin Zaid

January 24, 2023

Waking Up

The true nature of imperialism lies elsewhere...

Syed Ashar Ali

January 08, 2023

Lost In Time

Writing on the feathers of history ruffling the air. Breezing through the corridors of time. Iqbal’s words echo the...

Taha Siraj

December 31, 2022

Death of Sin

Sin is understood to be anything that does not feel right in your heart according to a hadith. And heart or the inner...

Syed Ashar Ali

October 08, 2022

Reporting From The Line Of Secularism

Much of Iqbal’s later poetic deliberations focused upon carving out an identity for the Muslims of the Subcontinent...

Syed Ashar Ali

October 08, 2022

To Be Modern

For long, Religion has been associated with a supernatural entity and a divine code of conduct. Break it down, religion...

Inkuest Admin

October 08, 2022

I Insist Your Honor

As per United Nations: Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnic...

EP151: Naturalism and the Value of Human Beings

August 05, 2023
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